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The design of these paintings subverts the viewer's ability to "see" or to perceive each artist at once, reflecting on the subjects’ multifaceted, complex natures. The portraits are painted in watercolor or India ink on the curled ends of Arches paper rolls. They have been displayed as a series across a table top with cotton gloves provided for people to pick up and examine the portraits, as well as individually under glass cloches.
The design of these paintings subverts the viewer's ability to "see" or to perceive each artist at once, reflecting on the subjects’ multifaceted, complex natures. The portraits are painted in watercolor or India ink on the curled ends of Arches paper rolls. They have been displayed as a series across a table top with cotton gloves provided for people to pick up and examine the portraits, as well as individually under glass cloches.
Collected View - February 2017
L to R: Georgia O'Keefe, Eartha Kitt, Francesca Woodman, Frida Kahlo, nudie mag model, Cindy Sherman, Marina Abramovic, Betty Paige, Patti Smith, self, Bjork
Frida Kahlo (by Julien Levy)
Frida Kahlo (2 views)
After Dorothea Tanning's "The Birthday"
After Dorothea Tanning's "The Birthday" (3 views)
After Francesca Woodman
Betty Paige
After Bjork
After Bjork - view 2
After Bjork (2 views)
After Cindy Sherman
Self (3 views)
Leonor Fini
Leonor Fini (3 views)
Eartha Kitt
Yayoi Kusama
Yayoi Kusama (3 views)
Marina Abramovic
Patti Smith (by Robert Mapplethorpe)
Georgia O'Keefe (by Alfred Stielitz)
Georgia O'Keefe - view 2
Georgia O'Keefe 2
Nudie model (view 1)
Nudie model (view 2)
Nudie model (2 views)
Self-portrait 2
Collected view: Betty Paige, Francesca Woodman, Self-portrait, Frida Kahlo, Cindy Sherman.